领导下,友谊 & 社区

联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活

兄弟会 and sororities foster leadership, provide academic support for their members, 促进友谊, 举办社会活动和社区服务活动,鼓励慈善捐款.

通过兄弟会和姐妹会社区,学生们培养了对自己组织的强烈归属感和对LR的忠诚度. Membership is lifelong, and alumni activities are numerous.

在过去的一学年, members of fraternity and sorority life (FSL) raised more than $14,000 for local and national philanthropies and completed more than 2,000小时的社区服务.

Once a student gets involved in one of the sororities or fraternities, 他们有机会通过总统圆桌学院等项目发展领导力, 以及社区服务. 每年年底, LR庆祝所有的FSL组织聚集在一起,为一年一度的埃利斯游艇希腊奖.

加入女生联谊会 加入兄弟会

组织、计划 & 政策

兄弟会和姐妹会生活通过增强大学经历来支持个人成长. 组织在灌输重要价值观的同时促进归属感和持久的关系. Participants in these efforts focus on leadership, 慈善事业, and scholastic excellence to support the campus and local 社区.


  • 联谊会

    Founded in October 1902 on the campus of Miami University, 三角洲ζ now boasts a membership of more than 254,700 women who share a common purpose: to lead full, 有意义和有益的生活.

    Kappaδ的丰富传统可以追溯到1897年在Farmville的州立女子师范学校成立, 维吉尼亚州. 今天, 穿着橄榄绿和珍珠白的女性发现她们有230多名姐妹,000, all sharing similar ideals: to become women committed to 社区 服务, 积极领导, responsible citizenship and reaching their full potential.

    ζ φ β
    The ζ φ β姐妹会 was founded in 1920 at Howard University in Washington, D.C., 注重崇高的学术理想, 服务于社区和国外, 性格的力量, 以及成员之间的团结. “九神”之一,ζ φ β是美国历史上九个非裔美国人联谊会和兄弟会之一.

    ζ Tau α
    Also founded at 维吉尼亚州's State Female Normal School, 自1898年成立以来,泽塔Tau Alpha一直有一个简单的使命:通过强调领导力来影响其成员的生活, 服务, 学业成就和个人成长.

  • 兄弟会

    θξ是唯一一个在内战期间成立的兄弟会,拥有60多名会员,000,促进智力, 道德, physical and spiritual growth of its members.

    Pi Kappa Phi
    Formed in 1904, Pi Kappa Phi was founded by three young men in Charleston, S.C. whose goal was one of identifying leadership opportunities in their 社区. 课堂领导力, 在运动场上, in politics and in all aspects of life is at the heart of the organization's mission, all while creating a strong sense of brotherhood.

    Founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C., 是兄弟会是第一个建立在历史悠久的黑人大学校园内的国际兄弟会组织. Its name stems from the notion that "friendship is essential to the soul," The men of 是 must uphold the fraternity’s Cardinal Principles of Manhood, 奖学金, 毅力和提升. 是 is also one of the "Divine Nine,是美国历史上九个非裔美国人联谊会和兄弟会之一.

    ∑ was founded in 1914 at Howard University in Washington, D.C., by three young African-American male students. 今天, ∑ has blossomed into an international organization of leaders. 兄弟会的成员在建立∑国家基金会方面发挥了重要作用, the ∑ Federal Credit Union and the Sigma Beta Club Foundation. ζ φ β姐妹会, founded in 1920 with the assistance of ∑, is the sister organization of the fraternity.

    Kappa Alpha Psi
    Kappa Alpha Psi was founded at Indiana University in 1911. Kappa Alpha Psi是历史上第二古老的大学黑人希腊字母兄弟会,也是第一个作为国家机构成立的校际兄弟会. Kappa Alpha Psi的地方分会参与社区外展活动,为无家可归者提供食物, provide scholarships to young people matriculating to college, 做年轻人的导师, 参加献血活动,主持提高公众健康意识的研讨会,等等.

  • 泛希腊议会

    The 泛希腊议会 is the governing body of the four sororities at LR. 其目的是发展和维持高水平的兄弟会生活和分会之间的关系,并在此过程中:

    • 考虑到成员团体的目标和理想始终适用于校园和个人生活.
    • Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement.
    • 与兄弟会成员和大学行政部门合作,关注和维护良好的社会和道德标准.
    • 按照全国泛希腊会议的一致协议和政策行事.
    • 按照泛希腊理事会制定的不侵犯主权的规则行事, 权利, 以及会员分会的特权.



    We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, 代表优秀的奖学金, 保持身体健康, for maintenance of fine standards and for serving, 尽全球网赌十大网站所能, 全球网赌十大网站的大学社区. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, 与它最好的可能性和谐相处, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, 作为兄弟会的女性, 通过个人兄弟会和泛希腊生活的密切接触和深厚友谊所激发的品格发展,代表服务. The opportunity for wide and wise human 服务, 通过相互尊重和帮助, 是全球网赌十大网站努力生活的信条吗.

  • 校友会主席

    The 校友会主席 (IFC) is the governing body of LR's social fraternities. 国际金融公司要求成员分会对兄弟会成员的理想负责,这些理想由以下分会的基本期望所定义.:

    • 尊重所有人的人格尊严
    • Strive for academic achievement and maintain academic integrity
    • Respect their own property and the property of others
    • Meet their financial and administrative obligations in a timely manner
    • Maintain chapter property so that it is safe, clean and in a condition befitting of the 社区 of which it is a part
    • Not condone nor tolerate the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of alcohol
    • 要求所有成员遵守这些兄弟间的期望,并将面对那些违反这些期望的人
  • 自习室计划

    兄弟会和姐妹会的生活经历是一个课外的机会,将丰富学生的大学经历, better preparing each student to enter and succeed in their chosen field. 学术成就和奖学金是兄弟会和姐妹会生活经历的最前沿.

    兄弟会和姐妹会组织必须将其成员的教育追求视为分会成员和整个组织持续成功的首要任务. 兄弟会或姐妹会有义务提供一个有利于和支持其成员良好学业表现的环境.

    Sponsored by the Lohr Learning Commons and academic programs, 管理委员会设立了自习室计划,以帮助新成员在课堂上站稳脚跟. 在第一学期,每个新会员被要求每周在自习室学习6个小时. A member is no longer required to attend once they maintain a GPA of 2.75或以上.

  • 被欺侮的政策

    While hazing is not limited to Greek organizations, Lenoir-Rhyne has a zero-tolerance policy on hazing. LR教育所有感兴趣并参与希腊字母组织的学生有关定义, 迹象, reporting mechanisms and consequences of hazing. 有许多在线资源也有助于教育学生,旨在防止大学校园里的欺侮行为.


  • 家长须知

    勒努瓦-雷恩大学的希腊生活社团在很多方面对家长和学生都有好处, including assisting with the college transition. 学生 involved in Greek life experience leadership opportunities, make lifelong friends and participate in philanthropic opportunities. Greek life membership also offers academic assistance, career and internship connections and networking opportunities.


    • A supportive environment to assist in adjustment to college.
    • Scholastic resources to help students achieve academic goals.
    • Exposure to leadership opportunities that provide hands-on experience.
    • Opportunities for active participation in 社区 服务 projects.

    博爱的好处 & 女生联谊会的生活

    National studies indicate that students who choose to join Greek-letter organizations are:

    • More likely to stay in college than non-Greek students.
    • More financially successful than other college graduates.
    • 作为校友,要比非希腊籍校友给母校更多的钱,也更频繁地给母校.
    • More active on campus and in 社区 activities.
    • Alums are also more likely to get involved in volunteer and charitable organizations.


    There is a financial commitment associated with joining a fraternity or sorority. The costs or dues go toward national fees, chapter operating expenses and social functions. Each chapter has different financial obligations. 新会员通常会在第一学期比以后的学期缴纳更高的会费. 做好财务准备, make sure to inquire about the financial obligations of membership before joining.



The most memorable part about student life for me was my involvement with FSL. 作为Pi Kappa Phi和Order of Omega的一员,帮助我结交了许多朋友,并给了我使命感.
